Aim Of Course
All Sanderson pupils experience Drama S1-S3. Our Senior Phase National Qualifications in Drama develop learners’ drama and production skills and provide opportunities for learners to generate and communicate thoughts and ideas when creating drama. They also develop learners’ knowledge of social and cultural influences on drama.
Course Content
Pupils work on projects throughout the term. Drama is a Senior Phase subject and courses are set at appropriate levels for individual pupils.
Pupils are given the opportunity to work on varios topics throughout the year. Coursework links with the experiences and outcomes of the Curriculum for Excellence and to SQA certification in the Senior Phase at appropriate level.
Pupils are encouraged to collect visuals, research in magazines and on the internet as and when appropriate to each project.
Assessment Arrangements
Pupils are continually verbally assessed and given individual targets within the class. They are encouraged to talk with their peers through informal presentations/discussion of their own individual work and that of their class peers. Photographic and or video evidence of work will be gathered for assessment purposes.
Reporting takes the form of annual reviews and written reports. Parents and carers are able to discuss their children’s progress during two annual parents’ evenings.