Aim Of Course

A range of topics relevant to Technical Education.  Introduction to materials such as wood, metal and plastic.  The design process is discussed and drawings produced. The pupils are encouraged to work safely in a workshop environment and identify the tools and equipment used. Tecnical is a choice subject for Senior Phase pupils.

S1-S3 pupils attend Technical for 2 periods weekly.

S4 – S6 Options attend Technical for 3 periods weekly

Course Content

S1 Project 1: Wooden model boat. Project 2: Model racing car.

Project 3: Pyramid Puzzle.

S2 Project 1: Egg container.  Project 2: Jewellery holder.

S3 Project 1: Wooden container.  Project 2: Decorative shelf unit

S4-S6: Nat. 3 Working with tools H25G-73. Nat. 3 Practical craft skills H25J-73


Pupils are usually given homework once per topic. This may include identifying materials used in home furniture and the tools used to manufacture them.

Assessment Arrangements

Assessment takes place continually within the class through questioning and pupil feedback. Written work is assessed in class and kept in pupil folders.


A settling in/review report is prepared for first year, and a full report is issued later in the A settling in/review report is prepared for first year, and a full report is issued later in the year.

Second year receive an annual written report.

There are two parents’ evenings throughout the year.