Within Sanderson every member of staff is first line guidance support and is aware that a pupil may wish to discuss a situation they are faced with.
There are three principal teachers and the DHT who have responsibility for supporting pupils on issues surrounding the curriculum, attendance, behaviour, relationships, subject reports, setting personal targets, subject choices and communicating with the family.
In general terms, the Principal Teacher follows the progress of each pupil from First Year until the time he / she leaves school. We are concerned with each pupil’s personal, social and vocational welfare and are able to offer support and guidance throughout their school career. We have close links with outside agencies : – Social Work Department, Psychological Services, Medical Services, Careers Services, School Chaplains Teams, which may be of help in some circumstances. We are keen to encourage close contacts between home and school and to involve parents in all aspects of their son / daughters school career. Every pupil has one guidance class per week and a guidance teacher who oversees this subject area.
Ms Nancy Pearson (Tuesday- Friday) and Mr Jim Moore (Acting) Principal Teacher (Monday) for S1/S2
Ms Amanda Morrison is Principal Teacher for S3/S4
Mr Kenny Balmain is Principal Teacher for S5/S6
Mrs Jen Graham Deputy Head Teacher, is responsible for whole school including all CLD Classes